Technology and Media

HK and European cross-border accounting with expertise in the technology and media sector

Technology and media companies have specific and unique considerations for their audit, tax, and accounting service needs.

Fung Yu’s integrated approach to these services strengthens and enables technology and media companies to grow their operations on top of solid financial foundations.

You can rely on us to provide you with pragmatic, commercial advice on your business challenges and opportunities.

Our consulting services for the tech and media sector include:
  • Providing registration and set-up services in Hong Kong and China in the form of limited companies, WFOEs and JVs
  • Visa solutions for executives
  • Advice on accounting and financial reporting
  • Audit and assurance 
  • Advising and reviewing of internal control systems in Hong Kong and China
  • IPO preparation advice and assistance 
  • Advice and setting up proper internal control systems 
  • Providing internal control review reports for private and listed companies
  • Company secretarial services for companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

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